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CNN (USA) Interview mit RA Pruy über steigende Abschiebezahlen

Fachanwalt für Migrationsrecht Philipp Pruy im Interview mit dem US-Nachrichtensender CNN über stegende Abschiebezahlen in Deutschland:
The drive to deport more migrants has now gone beyond new applicants to those cases that have lingered in a legal "gray area" for years in Germany, says one immigration lawyer. "We see now a kind of urgency to increase the deportation numbers, for example people who have been living in Germany for 30 years, are married to a German or have a German child. People who will almost certainly be able to get a visa again. So it's a complete waste of resources," says Philipp Pruy, an immigration lawyer. 
"The question is whether they can keep up with these deportations in the long run because it requires a financial and personnel effort. Passport replacements must be issued, people taken into custody, arrest warrants filed, planes chartered. I doubt we can keep this speed up.

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RA Philipp Pruy LL.M.